Peter Sean Scie, pastor and founder of Christ Temple Ministries. Washington, D.C. shared a photo of himself and partner Bryan, on Facebook, declaring love for his partner.
"God is Love. God shines through Love. We are not ashamed of our Love. If you have what we have, you know how we feel. ~pastor p. & sir bryan.

We will NOT Live in FEAR!! #Pride

God is Love. God shines through Love. We are not ashamed of our Love. If you have what we have, you know how we feel. ~pastor p. & sir bryan
#lgbt #imnotscared #lovestillwins

TheNigerianblogger recalls that even though same-sex marriage is now legal in America, homosexuals are roughly tolerated, and they still remain vulnurable targets because of their sexual preference, exemplified by the recent Orlando gay club massacre that killed over 50 people.
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