President Muhammadu Buhari will on Monday travel to London to see an ENT specialist following a persistent ear infection. in the article outlines types, causes, symptoms and treatment for the infection.
An ear infection is a common condition. Even though it is said to be more frequently diagnosed in children, it is common in adults.
The ear consists of the three main parts: outer ear, middle ear and inner ear. Sound waves reach the outer ear first, then middle ear and then travel to the inner ear. A number of conditions can influence your hearing and ear infections are the most frequent.
Types of Ear Infection in Adults
The majority of ear infection in adults are the outer ear infection (otitis externa), but the middle ear infection (otitis media) can also occur .
1. Outer Ear Infection in Adults
Outer ear infections are also known as swimmer’s ear, because it is a common swimmer’s problem. Swimmer’s ear is an infection in the outer canal of the ear. It happens when contaminated water gets into the outer ear letting germs to grow and develop because of the moist, warm conditions.
2. Middle Ear Infection in Adults
Middle ear infection is most often a viral or bacterial infection that affects the air-filled space behind the eardrum, containing small vibrating bones of the ear. When bacteria or fluid gets trapped inside the ear, an infection might occur.
Symptoms of Ear Infection in Adults
1. Symptoms of Outer Ear Infection in Adults
Pain in the affected ear
Itching in the ear canal
Swelling or redness of the outer ear
Excessive discharge from the ear canal (fluid or pus)
Feeling of fullness inside the outer ear
Temporary hearing loss
When to See a Doctor
See your doctor if you are suffering from any of the swimmer’s ear symptoms, even if they are not severe. Visit the emergency room or call your doctor urgently if you have fever and severe pain.
2. Symptoms of Middle Ear Infection in Adults
Ear pain
Feeling of pressure and fullness in the ear
Vertigo (balance problems)
Excessive discharge from the ear
Temporary hearing loss
When to See a Doctor
See your doctor if you are suffering from the severe ear pain, discharge of fluid or blood, or your symptoms last for more than one day.
Causes of Ear Infection in Adults
1. Causes of Outer Ear Infection in Adults
Swimmer’s ear is frequently caused by bacteria that is usually found in soil and water. Viral or fungal infections are less common. The following conditions can provoke the bacterial growth in your ear:
Excess moisture in the ear
Various sensitivity reactions
Abrasions or scratches in the ear canal
2. Causes of Middle Ear Infection in Adults
Most common causes of the middle ear infection in adults are related to swollen or blocked Eustachian tubes, promoting fluids to build up in the middle ear. Examples of such causes are:
Colds, flu, and sinus infections
Air travel
Smoking or inhalation of irritants
Overgrown or infected adenoids
Excess saliva production
Medications for Ear Infection in Adults
1. Medications for Outer Ear Infection in Adults
Ear drops
Doctors usually recommend ear drops that have a particular combination of the ingredients, such as steroid, antibiotic,antifungal medications or acidic solution, depending on the severity and the type of the infection.
OTC pain relievers
Your doctor might also prescribe OTC pain relievers, such as naproxen (also known as Aleve, Anaprox or others), Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil, others), or Acetaminophen (Tylenol, Paracetamol, others). If you are experiencing severe pain, your doctor may recommend stronger pain reliever.
2. Medications for Middle Ear Infection in Adults
Ear drops
Similarly as in the case of the outer ear infections, your doctor may prescribe you some ear drops like Aurodex (antipyrine-benzocaine-glycerin). They serve as additional pain reliever in case your ear drums are not perforated. Do not use higher dose of benzocaine than the prescribed dose without consulting with your doctor first.
OTC pain relievers
Your doctor might recommend pain relievers, such as Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen to ease your pain. Use medications as prescribed by doctor.
In case the ear infection is not getting cured by usual medications, your doctor might consider ear tubes (Tympanostomy). During this treatment, a small tube is inserted into the eardrum, leaving a small hole open that lets air to get in, allowing fluid to drain easier. This procedure is done under general anesthesia. If you suffer from enlarged adenoids, your doctor may recommend removing them, especially if they cause ear infections.
Home Remedies for Ear Infection in Adults
1. Home Remedies for Outer Ear Infection in Adults
Combine 1 part of white vinegar and 1 part of rubbing alcohol, pour 1 teaspoon of mixture into affected ear and let it drain back out. This solution can prevent the growth of bacteria and help to promote drying.
2. Home Remedies for Middle Ear Infection in Adults
Warm compress
Place a warm compress over the affected ear to reduce the pain in the ear. That can be a warm bottle of water or a moist washcloth.
Salt is one of the most effective home remedies. Heat one cup of salt in the microwave for around 5-6 minutes. Once it is done, place the hot salt into a sock or glove. Tie the open end of the sock or the glove utilizing a rubber band. Lie down and put the remedy under the infected ear for around 10-15 minutes. The heat from the hot salt will help to drain out the fluid from your ear.
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