Abdulahi Olatoyan the well dressed windshield cleaner falls out with his sponsor

According to the celebrity stylist, Olatoyan left over claims that Nnaji didn’t ‘transform’ his life as claimed.

Recall Olatoyan’s grass-to-grace story started almost like former breadseller Olajumoke Orisaguna after he was captured by a Nigerian photographer, Daniel Sync, while cleaning car screens on the streets of Abeokuta.

In his feature on CNN, Olatoyan said he took up the squeegee job with hopes that he would raise money to go back to school and conclude his studies.

Not long after his photos went viral, Nnaji, the CEO of OUCH, offered him a job, and Olatoyan resumed work at Nnaji’s Lekki office in Lagos.

Now the duo have split up and Nnaji wrote a long note to explain what went wrong.

Uche Nnaji however took to instagram to share his ordeal with the windshield cleaner who has since gone back to his old job
Part 1: Dapper windscreen cleaner abandons the man who offered him help . . Repost from @uchennaji: "Sometime last month I saw an online image of a well-dressed young man cleaning windshields in traffic. I was touched by this, and then I felt the urge to ASSIST, with the HOPE that I can positively IMPACT him in my own little way
. .
We met and discossed on way forward. During our discussion I observed his SKILL was limited to SqueeGee. This gave me great concern, as it may not offer him anything above the JOB of an Office Assistant, then I felt it won't be the best for him. . . We (The photographer Daniel Sync and myself) talked with him and also decided he must go get his transcript from UniIlorin so we can eventually get him into the Open University in Lagos to enable him complete his education while Getting TRAINED with me. . . We were all excited as he walked into my office just last Monday (5days ago) with the ADMISSION forms from the OPEN UNIVERSITY. That same Monday the official TRAINING began with him in my Lekki office. . . The week ahead I had started by giving his Wardrobe Sartorial Healing for a Change and I made sure NO PICTURES were taken while giving him these items of clothing ( the Red polo he was wearing in the video I posted 3 days ago of him working with me last Friday and the white shirt he chose to wear back to the traffic yesterday all came from my PERSONAL collection) As I felt that wasn't necessary since my concern was to start a paradigm shift for this young man who needs to see the better side of life.
. . But I guess, people always want what they want. During our class session on same day (Monday) it dawned on me that he was unable to GRASP what He was being taught. But I still didn't give up on him, hoping that time will make things right for necessary adjustment. . . The aim was to TEACH him how to FISH by EMPOWERING him with necessary skill from some industry fashion professionals which certainly comes with more benefits after wards. After his class on Monday where we reached an agreement that he would LEARN various skills including tailoring, Abdulai went off the radar only to be sighted yesterday cleaning."

Part 2: Dapper windscreen cleaner abandons the man who offered him help . . Repost from @uchennaji: "The news came to me yesterday, but I decided to reach him first and hear him out before writing this piece, but all effort to achieve was fruitless as he has refused picking everyone's calls . . . The bubble buster, was when same guy went ahead to send the message on my DP in the form of as an SMS to my personal assistant complaining that we did not TRANSFORM his life OVERNIGHT like he expected. Proceeding with some tribal/sentimental approach. . . Can somebody be kind enough to remind this guy that my name is Uche Nnaji, NOT Uche Olatoyan. Dude, I AM NOT YOUR FATHER, I owe you NOTHING!!! This sense of ENTITLEMENT is shocking. Whollup! Does this guy think I TRANSFORM destinies OVER NIGHT for living? That is solely as exclusive preserve of God the Miracle worker. . . Honesty, we had better plans for you Abdulai but you were more concerned about the daily stipends the STREET offered. It’s fine, after all people throw away Diamonds chasing stones; you will not be the first. Just wish I listened when the photographer shared concerns. about your unstable character (like when You agreed and allowed them to use the #150k given by a Good Samaritan to enable you secure an Apartment in Abeokuta, and after rent was paid you came up days later to say that you no longer want to stay in Abeokuta ). . .I still try to wrap my mind around this because who gets celebrated and featured on CNN/YahooNews/EbonyLife and yet refuse to see the bigger picture? But as much as I am BROKEN with your decision to go back to the streets , I would rather live with the pain of knowing I tried to HELP , than the REGRETS of not even making an effort. . . As the saying goes "You can take a Horse to the river, but can't force it to DRINK ". It’s obvious his PASSION for CLEANING WindShields in Traffic is his HOME. And like they say, ‘Home is where the Heart is’. There are many mysteries of LIFE, and nobody knows what tomorrow will bring. But at this point all I can do is sit-back, pray and wish him WELl

This guy is an epitome of a hustler trust me.....Ok I was in Maryland traffic and saw dis guy well suited up with the screen cleaner....I almost shed tears but later realised it's his hustle...but my point is he could have chosen to be a hoodlum or miscreanting around the neighbourhood but no he chose to be in traffic waiting for God's time....my people dis is a good example of hard work regardless what he has been through in life... #ishekananii
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