Our Girls; A referendum on NASS structure, now ; PWD-style pothole filling please!; IDPs need care not control!

Our Girls; A referendum on NASS structure, now ;  PWD-style pothole filling please!; IDPs need care not control!
Our Girls are still missing since April 15 2014. We pray and work for their release.
President Buhari must call on Nigerians to stand with him against the National Assembly (NASS) if necessary to achieve his mandate. Nigerians must stand against their Jeep pathology and culture of arrogance. ‘SINATORS’ MUST HAVE ATTITUDINAL CHANGE OR WE WILL CHANGE THEM.
Life is far more serious than the senators realise. They are increasingly fitting the bill of ‘Selfish Sinators’, SS. The Senate appears to be arrogant, insensitive and positively greedy. During the time of one debate in the Senate, I saw a woman with ectopic pregnancy, a child with typhoid, a youth with an eye damaged by a ‘dirty slap’, a woman with an abnormal baby with very short legs and arms, a pregnancy with a dead baby, a child with undescended testis, a boy with a ruptured spleen from an okada attack,  women with ovarian cancer, a man with breast cancer breast, a baby with no gall bladder, a girl with no uterus, a man with prostate cancer, many normal pregnancies, many patients with infertility and a man with a fatty liver. All this in one small clinic while the ‘Selfish Senate’ and apparently ‘Dishonourable House of UnRepresentatives’, as some prefer to call them, appear to lord it over a sick country they helped to try to kill with personal and collective recklessness and a rudderless self-first legislative leadership.
CAN THEY ALL BE RECALLED OR AT LEAST ALL BE VOTED OUT AT THE NEXT ELECTION to be replaced by good materials? Perhaps we have enough time before 2019 to work establish a government willing to have a ‘100 Day/year PART-TIME LEGISLATURE WITH A MODEST SITTING ALLOWANCES’ and ONE HOUSE not two? NIGERIA REALLY NEEDS AND DEMANDS A REFERENDUM ON THE NEED AND RESTRUCTURE OF NASS WHICH would quickly prove that Nigerians would prefer TO ABOLISH THE SENATE IN FAVOUR OF ONE HOUSE –THE HOUSE OF REAL REPRESENTATIVES.  The Buhari’s ‘medicine for Nigeria’s corruption disease’ is not going down well with the NASS but Nigeria would already have died if President Buhari had not won the last election to administer the ‘anti-corruption’ emetic, for vomiting stolen funds. Unfortunately, NASS has not responded with distinguishing and honourable legislative leadership in cutting SAP, -Salaries Allowances Perks and even defended purchase of 36 jeeps while standing on ‘lame excuse ‘they were in the 2015 budget’ while the country sinks. Do they think? Only an idiot with a death wish would drive those vehicles out of Senate as they would be like waving a red flag before the National Bull of unpaid workers and poverty-struck citizens living in darkness and fuellessness.
Hurray! Some African countries are working to wipe out malaria by 2020. WOW and as great a victory as the elimination of Smallpox. Look forward to a Nigeria without malaria! Naturally Nigeria will bring up the rear of ‘Malaria Free Countries’. Of course we have the best chance yet of limiting fraud in the malaria and other health programmes under President Buhari. He has effectively changed corruption at source by turning off the budget gravy train of corruption in the ministries and being personally ‘corruption free’ thus infecting all his staff and many others with the  good ‘Corruption Free Virus’.
Travel in Nigeria is very, very dangerous and I am not talking about falling foul of Police or Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) or Fulani herdsmen/cow road attach. The normal road danger, people die on roads worldwide but in Nigeria that danger is compounded by high pothole rates and high speed and the high dependence of very unreliable tyres which can burst, tear or otherwise disappoint by getting caught and cut in ragged edged or deep potholes or even too high tyre pressure. Many roads have been farmed out to highly-placed traditional rulers, politicians-turned contractors who have all serially failed Nigerians resulting in their unnecessary deaths. If this is true, these ‘untouchables’ did not care much for travellers.
I saw a report that the Ilorin road was so bad the President Buhari in a stroke of Solomon-esque wisdom insisted that the contract awardee came to see him in Abuja by road, not air. No matter how ‘safe’ you are in that speeding vehicle, your safety actually depends only on the safety levels of your tyres, the next driver, the next vehicle and the SIZE, DEPTH, POSITION, PRIOR WARNING OF THE NEXT POTHOLE. Your life should be worth more to government than the few thousand naira to fill a pothole. Sorry OOO! NIGERIANS TRIVIALISE THE DANGERS OF TRAVEL leaving it all to God. Among many recent deaths we now add six doctors going to one of numerous and dare I say UNNECESSARY compulsory travel zonal meeting connected with their professional body. Now they and other families are destroyed, orphans made and widows weeping endlessly. Life is so dangerous and politicians trivialise it so much. They have the power but THINK POTHOLE-FILLING IS UNNECESSARY or should await a budget. They prefer the corruption of never-fulfilled contracts to old style Public Works Department, PWD units everywhere –mass employment! Even children think life is cheap in Nigeria.
Breaking News: 10,000IDPs ’break out of camps’. How can they break out of camps? Are they prisoners in their own country?? No! This is a criminal indictment on Nigeria’s machinery to care for its displaced persons who need care, not control! Shame on our care machinery!!
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