Memory Verse: 2 Timothy 4:3-4 … time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
Bible Passage: Matthew 7:13-29
Last week we looked at doctrine, true and false. Closely related to this are prophecy and the spiritual standing of prophets with God. A true prophet proclaims messages from God. This is done with God’s authority and in God’s name. There would be a massive increase in the number of false prophets in the end times. However, we will still have true prophets though they might be in the minority – 2 Pt. 2:1; 1 Jn.4: 1-2.
Last week we looked at doctrine, true and false. Closely related to this are prophecy and the spiritual standing of prophets with God. A true prophet proclaims messages from God. This is done with God’s authority and in God’s name. There would be a massive increase in the number of false prophets in the end times. However, we will still have true prophets though they might be in the minority – 2 Pt. 2:1; 1 Jn.4: 1-2.
True Prophets And Teachers
Prophets are raised to reveal God’s mind. Teachers bring understanding to already revealed scriptures. They do this to turn men to God and His Word. Nations that obey true prophets and sound teaching will always prosper. Divine secrets are in custody of prophets and teachers receive divine understanding of mysteries of God hidden ages ago. Altogether, as ministry gifts, they build up the body of Christ. 2 Chro. 18:12-14; Pro.6: 16-19; Neh.9: 26; 1 Kgs. 18:20-24; 2 Chro.20: 20; 2 Kgs.7: 1-12; 1 Kgs.18: 41; Amos 3:7; Eph.4: 11-13.
Prophets are raised to reveal God’s mind. Teachers bring understanding to already revealed scriptures. They do this to turn men to God and His Word. Nations that obey true prophets and sound teaching will always prosper. Divine secrets are in custody of prophets and teachers receive divine understanding of mysteries of God hidden ages ago. Altogether, as ministry gifts, they build up the body of Christ. 2 Chro. 18:12-14; Pro.6: 16-19; Neh.9: 26; 1 Kgs. 18:20-24; 2 Chro.20: 20; 2 Kgs.7: 1-12; 1 Kgs.18: 41; Amos 3:7; Eph.4: 11-13.
We must be aware of the ways and methods of false prophets and how they mislead and deceive. They appear as sheep though they are ravenous wolves. They might perform great signs and wonders and several people will speak well of them, while the undiscerning think they are genuine prophets of God. They often claim divinity and equality with Christ. Their hidden motives are fame, honour, money and prestige. They quote Bible verses to deceive many and can be in fact quite versatile in scriptures. Matt.7: 15; Lk.6: 26; 2 Thess. 2:3-4; Mic.3: 5-11; Lk. 4:9-12; Matt.24: 4, 11; 2Pt.2: 1-5.
We must be aware of the ways and methods of false prophets and how they mislead and deceive. They appear as sheep though they are ravenous wolves. They might perform great signs and wonders and several people will speak well of them, while the undiscerning think they are genuine prophets of God. They often claim divinity and equality with Christ. Their hidden motives are fame, honour, money and prestige. They quote Bible verses to deceive many and can be in fact quite versatile in scriptures. Matt.7: 15; Lk.6: 26; 2 Thess. 2:3-4; Mic.3: 5-11; Lk. 4:9-12; Matt.24: 4, 11; 2Pt.2: 1-5.
All believers must be spiritually sensitive and alert. It is our duty to watch earnestly unto prayer. We must be well grounded in the truth and not go astray. We should also grow into the fullness of the stature of Christ. Heb.13: 9; 2 Pt. 1:12; Eph.4: 14; Heb.5: 12, 6:1. In conclusion, be wary of false prophets and false teachers who shall rise, and show signs, if it were possible, to seduce even the very elect. The Lord of Host will protect us from the wiles and schemes of Lucifer and his cohorts in the mighty name of Jesus.
All believers must be spiritually sensitive and alert. It is our duty to watch earnestly unto prayer. We must be well grounded in the truth and not go astray. We should also grow into the fullness of the stature of Christ. Heb.13: 9; 2 Pt. 1:12; Eph.4: 14; Heb.5: 12, 6:1. In conclusion, be wary of false prophets and false teachers who shall rise, and show signs, if it were possible, to seduce even the very elect. The Lord of Host will protect us from the wiles and schemes of Lucifer and his cohorts in the mighty name of Jesus.
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