Shortly after the publications, Nigerians took to social media to vent their anger over the incident. Below are some of the edited comments as extracted from various blogs and social media sites.
I am surprised that some Nigerians will believe this. Although I have never done such a scan but I believe that the Dr is innocent. I believe that someone paid her to ridicule the name of the Dr. Why did it take her a whole weekend to realize she was raped? I guess the doctor did not agree to treat her for free that was why she decided to blackmail him.
Dr Sayemi, relax God will fight your battle.
Cynthia Soroha
People easily conclude with the caption. Read before you judge. And why must you judge if I may ask? The Doctor is not fake. He said the truth because we have treated some cases like this. Good gynecologists have such machines in their clinic
Ada Ifeanyi
So, she was carried away with the clitoris touching that she didn’t notice a dick was actually inside her. She was enjoying it, thinking it’s the instrument until the Dr wanted to come. I guess this time he was making noise that’s why she woke up from her sleep. Could this be hypnosis?
How can a man play with your clitoris and you will not know? Is your own not sensitive like others own?
Even if your eyes are closed, you will feel it when a penis enters you, the feeling changes, you sense the person in front of you with your sixth sense. This woman is yet to tell the truth. Sex gone wrong.
Michael Ipheghe
It’s possible that the doctor actually penetrated her but she’s not also absolved of all blames, she’s as guilty as the doctor though in her case, she owes her husband that apology. For crying out loud, you went to a doctor, striped completely naked.
Alvarez Ugochukwu
That woman is a liar, after reading her story, it all sounded fake. How can a man have sex with a woman and he wouldn’t thrust into her. Someone should slap this woman for me and saying most of Dr’s patients complain about the same treatment, how then none ever raised a case against him since he started his practice. Anyway I smell lies.
Nelson Maduabuchi
I pity u poor soul but i don’t fully believe the story. How would a man be having sex with you and you did not feel the contact of other body parts until he moans? Mrs. Oluwatoyin, are u telling us the truth or do you want to fabricate lies and fallacies on this doctor? I think you should know better.
Barthlomy Barthlomy
This is a complete lie in highest order, infact this is a set up in other to damage the image of the Doctor. Maybe she caught the Doctor cheating on her that is why she planned it in this way to publicly disgrace him.
Segun Orimolade
This woman should not be taken seriously for Christ sake when I read everything d interviewer asked her; I was convinced she is just planning to implicate the said doctors.
Anunwah Kennedy
Well if she said that she was raped she may be right but rapist need some domineering strategy which her story didn’t shove up. Again I think she consented by allowing fore play. And I also think that this is not her first time with the doctor, its only that this time she was caught and she needed a fencing for her husband and a pity from the women folk.
Gbelela Olabisi Michael
This woman is lying! I don’t want to sound out like some roguish chauvinist!
Ikechukwu Uwaoma
Sex with condom, her eyes closed until he was about to release? The instrument is shorter, penis longer yet her eyes closed? What of the frequency? She said she went with a phone to record their discussion on Monday so what happened to the recording, play it for the reporter if the police did not accept it. You need to prove your case woman.
Obinna Francis
Here is my judgment after hearing from the both parties and cross examinations of the evidences, i came to a conclusion that you, Mr Doctor molested and raped Mrs. Bello. First, you put her in the mood by playing with her private part to the extent that she could not resist it. Mr. Doctor, i put it to you that you are guilty as charged.
I find it strange that anyone doing a procedure will not be interested in seeing the image on the screen but rather close their eyes. Strange but not false. Without DNA evidence or an eye witness accounts, it will be a hard case to prove. Let us not prejudge. I have seen people who were accused turned out to be innocent. We are not in the jungle. Let our politicians behave like thieves, we, the masses will try to be civilized.
This is why I encourage women to be more serious in their studies and specialize in this women business, so that this type of men will be left to wallow in abject poverty. This type is always difficult to prove
It is a dicey situation but the alleged rapist, usually the man is always convicted in the court of public opinion before anyone could hear his own side of the story. No one encourages rape, however we must correct attitude in women and young girls that arouse male counterpart around them at every point in time. Such indecent dressing and suggestive move and display when with opposite sex alone like in the consulting room. Hospital should use transparent material to construct consulting rooms, this will reduce tendency for rape or mutual sex between doctors and patients in the consulting rooms. There are many mutual sexual acts that happen in most hospitals on daily basis and few are only publicize as rape when something went wrong between the two. Also, more female doctors should be deplore to carry out personal test on female patients especially test that require exposing their private parts because male doctors are human being and have got same blood flowing in their vein. Such assignment is a temptation that could make them fall.
Peter Omelazu
I cannot imagine how this woman was so carried away by stroking of her clitoris to the extent of being in the spirit and out of this world that all the while the man was jacking her forth and back she was oblivious of his body contraction and continued friction until ejaculation. When, I read the story last week, I was circumspect to speak much until I consulted my medical practitioner friends if this was possible. The response was yes and no. Yes, if the Doctor breaches the medical ethics which does not allow examination of female patient without the company of a nurse (though rarely). In that case, some patients can even rape a doctor during consultation. So, it’s either way situation. No, on the ground that except where the patient is hypnotized. Otherwise, how police will get evidence is yet to be seen. Some suggestions are laughable, how would the medical examination as suggested dictate semen without the condom. Somebody also said in absence of semen as evidence that thorough examination of the wall of her vaginal will show evidence it has been tampered with .How? With Penis or with Medical instrument? Again, she went back on Monday with secret camera which never worked. Still alone without the husband. So, what did you intend to record with camera, second episode or what? Let us wait and see how police will crack this allegation.
Almighty God will continue to save our women when they are desperate to conceive. I had a horrible experience and I thank God that I did not conceive in the process. My friend convinced me to join her to attend a prayer session for barren women at one white garment church at Ikorodu. I was desperate and my husband was threatening to marry another woman.
The first day, the newcomers after two hours of prayer were asked to return on the day of their ovulation. The prophet said that immediately after the prayer on that day, we will go back and have sex with our husbands.
I was tempted to confide in my husband, but on second thought I decided to wait till I am pregnant. When I got there, about four other women were also there. We were given holy water to drink and taken into a room covered with white curtains. We were asked to lie down and pray. Minutes later, I became drowsy. I was conscious of my environment but couldn’t scream or move from where I was. Suddenly, a man came and started undressing me. About three of them had sex with me. I could only cry and pray that this nightmare will come to an end.
As soon as I recovered my senses, I ran out of the room while the stupid prophet was trying to explain to us that it was the Holy Spirit that fell on us.
I was devastated and took some medication to flush out my system because I knew that such a child is definitely from the devil. No one knew what happened to me and I cannot share such.
Even if madam Toyin does not eventually get justice, doctors will be much more careful and know that we are aware of what is going on in various consulting rooms. May God bless our women.
Women don’t be deceived by all these medical test that will involve you opening your leg wide for a doctor, a man with blood flowing in his vein to insert sexual toy into your private parts and will assume that something else will not enter. If you must do such a test, let another woman like you do it or join the doctor in the room if he must be the one to do it.
Stella I have had that thing inserted in my vagina before. I had a cyst that was so tiny and so painful and normal scan could not locate it. It troubled me for about 2 weeks. At some point I wondered if it was actually a cyst or my tubes were rupturing. Anyway, I went for a trans-vaginal scan. Thankfully it was a lady who did it for me. A Muslim lady. And they wear the instrument a condom just like a penis. The ‘ejaculation’ place is the place where the camera shows all your insides. She even lubricated the instrument after wearing it a condom. And held my vagina lips apart with her index and middle finger before she inserted it. As they are directing the instrument left and right to get a clear view, it can be uncomfortable. So what I did was close my eyes and imagine all the raunchy things I could. So I can make the process as uncomfortable as possible. It didn’t take long though. Less than 10 minutes. So if the woman said she closed her eyes and didn’t know when he inserted penis instead I believe her because that instrument is just like a penis. No difference. And scan rooms are always dark anyway. Now, this is what I always do. Whenever I am going for diagnosis I read up the procedures online. This way I know what to expect from the doctor. If he does anything during the diagnosis that seems off I quickly address it. It’s never happened to me before, but I always check online because the UK and US health care usually tell you what to expect from your doctor so that you don’t get surprised or taken advantage of during diagnosis.
Brown Sugar
That’s how most doctors behave. One almost tried it with me when I went for checkups but I didn’t disappoint my mother. I gave him a thunderous slap that he will never forget.
I don’t know if to laugh or to pity her. But truth be told, the doctor messed up. He shouldn’t have done that to a married woman or to even a single lady without her consent. He should be penalized for his promiscuous act.
White Diamond
I hope the woman gets justice, if the doctor is found guilty. It’s possible that she did not know, seeing as her eyes were closed and the transducer is shaped like a penis. I’d advise any lady going for any kind of examination that involves exposing their private parts, to have a female nurse or orderly, beside the doctor, when said examination is going on, to avoid stories like this.
Doctor’s wife
May God never allow me need medical care in Nigeria. Amen. Bunch of unethical doctors. Even if it’s a lie for her to cook up such a lie then something similar happened. That doctor’s license must be seized! I remember an incident when I was a student in the university. I missed a test because of monthly period so I needed a doctor’s note so I had to go to a GP. The stupid man said he has to check if I’m truly on my period, I was in shock. He said I don’t look like I’m on my periods. I just told him to keep the note if that was the condition.
I have experienced that also mine was cyst that delayed my period for 2month, the instrument looks like a penis and was done by an Indian doctor.
I had that instrument used on me last year when I had a miscarriage and was examined. It is a metal for goodness sake. It is so different from a Penis. You would know when it is taking out. I don’t believe this story one bit. Also, most hospitals, a doctor and a nurse are there when this procedure is done. This woman is lying for goodness sake!
Mao Akuh
Women suffer a lot. He should be sent to prison and his license withdrawn to serve as an example to others.
Enigmatic Aboki
99.9% of you people talking gibberish and blaming the woman for not being aware are the ones who would beg those useless doctors to have sex with them and shut up about it when they get home. This story just raised my trust issues with most women going to see the gynecologist alone by 45%. Some women are too loose. In their fable mind, the thing no get meter. So my husband won’t know. Shame to all u abominable women and end time doctors.
Justina Michael
Imagine what we women go through just to conceive. Nemesis will surely catch up with these promiscuous doctors.
Enigmatic Aboki
Why aren’t those end time doctors reported to the appropriate authorities by those abominable women? Why? This woman up here should be encouraged and commended.
I really pity this woman; I don’t see her getting justice because this is really difficult to prove. I pray God will heal her and vindicate her in Jesus name.
This has happened to me before but in my own case, i was too ashamed to open up about it and it was because of the fear of comments like this. The doctor inserted an instrument inside me and he was turning it in a gentle movement and looking at the screen. He later removed it and put it inside again, only that i didn’t know that it wasn’t the instrument that entered. You won’t know because they do apply some sort of liquid substance on the vagina before inserting the instrument. He followed the same movement he made with the instrument and all the while i thought what was inside me was what he inserted before. I don’t even want to recall it! I felt so bad! I didn’t even know who to talk to and i have never gone back to that hospital again.
As usual in Nigeria, we blame the woman. The doctor did something very unethical but Nigerians will blame the woman. I pity women in this country.
I believe this woman. If she consented or even enjoyed it, there’s no way she would have gone home to tell her husband. She would have kept it to herself because she has everything to lose and nothing to gain. Sometimes when you’re desperate, you act foolish. And doctors know how desperate women who are barren can be. That doctor is a very useless pig and I hope this woman gets a great lawyer and an even better judge to preside over the case so the doctor’s sneaky and randy penis can be thrown in jail with him.
Enigmatic Aboki
When will my people ever learn? All these anonymous persons should stop being hypocritical. If you were to be the lady in question, no one will know what happened between you and these end-time doctors.
sexual assaults is real and pray never to be desperate for anything In confusion it will take a while to register what is happening. The woman was assaulted, that doctor is so skilled at raping women. God punish him.
Smart Angel
God bless all women with fruit of the womb so that all these stories will end.
I have done the procedure before, even the equipment they use they wear condom on it and apply a lubricant or a liquid on it too and when they insert it in your vagina you will feel you are being penetrated because you feel a light pain as result of that. I don’t trust all these irresponsible doctor most of them are perverts and i can never marry one of them.
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