Asiwaju Bola Tinubu proved his love
for Nigeria when he turned his much talked about 8th colloquium to a
call for Nigeria to become great again.
His trademark cap aside, the gifts
and accolades also aside, he was more concerned about how 170 million
Nigerians could in the nearest future beat their chest and say I am a
Nigerian with their heads high.
At the International Conference
Centre in Abuja, Nigeria’s capital, the diminutive political strategist
and pro-democracy campaigner unveiled a blueprint for Nigeria’s economy
while calling on everyone to support President Muhammadu Buhari’s
In his moving speech, he reiterated his belief that Nigeria has the potentials to be a world power economically.
Read full speech below:
1. I thank everyone for taking part
in this important symposium. The importance of this event is not that it
comes on my birthday. It is due to the topic explored and the richness
of the contributions made in this regard. I am simply honored that you
would use my birthday as a platform for this vital national discourse.
2. I tender a deep APPRECIATION to
Vice President Osinbajo and all others who organized this colloquium.
Yours has been a job excellently done. Above all, I thank President
Muhammadu Buhari, Commander in Chief of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
for giving of his precious time to be here today.In so doing, you have
provided a most wonderful birthday present. Thank you.
3. You also have given to the people
of Nigeria something even more important. Mr. President, in your Easter
message, you asked the people to be steadfast and of strong hope
because you would not let them down. That you would fulfill your promise
to bring positive change to our beloved land.
4. Today, on my birthday, I ask that
you allow me to support what you said to the people. I believe in our
President and his administration. He is a leader dedicated to the
betterment of Nigeria. He needs our support to make this a reality.
5. During the 7th Colloquium which
held last year (2015) in Lagos, I recall I made a request. I said the
best birthday gift I wanted was for people go out and vote massively to
secure election victory. To the glory of God, our party, the APC won a
remarkable victory.
6. That historic victory has placed
on us a heavy responsibility to right the wrongs of the past years. Our
path may be tough at present. But I do not entertain fear because I know
our people are more resilient than the challenges we face.
Thus, I also ask the people to be of firm conviction and strong hope that we are working for and moving toward a better day.
7. I believe in destiny. Yes, the
times that have come upon us are rough. Yet, I cannot help but believe
that we have been put here at this appointed place and appointed time
for a reason more profound than mere coincidence.
8. The workings of harsh economic
reality have revealed the fragility of the economic position we have too
long occupied. With the downturn in oil prices, this nation can no
longer function as it did. The lack of government performance that has
for years been a source of pain is no longer tolerable. This government
is committed to reversing the trend towards a positive and progressive
9. We have reached the point where
we can no longer look the other way because there is longer another way.
If we are to experience a new growth and development, we must do it
ourselves. Nigerians must become Nigeria’s lifeline.
10. Those who came before us
believed in weak governance but strong corruption. They were the authors
of the malfeasance and ruthless indifference that enchained this nation
and its remarkable people. They acted as if their pilferage would never
end. But it was ended by the people of this great country.
11. However, destiny does not
believe in failure. It would never ask people like that to correct the
wrongs they themselves had instituted. We can’t expect the author to
burn his own book. That group could no more be the rebuilders of a new
Nigeria than wind can turn to rock or mud into gold.
12. That correction has begun. This
is why I am gratified to have President Buhari among us today. Upon his
shoulders rest the fate of 170 million people. However, he does not
carry that burden alone. Permit to speak for the vast majority of
Nigerians who dream of the same change of which you speak Mr.President:
We are with you. We are determined. We have resolved to re-build this
country together.
13. Here, I beg your indulgence to allow me a few words about the subject matter at hand: Agriculture.
We have heard many excellent ideas
and suggestions. I foresee much of what we heard will soon be
implemented policy. The nation will soon enjoy a rebirth of this vital
economic sector.
14. Through it all, we need remember
that what we have discussed cannot be reduced to a gaggle of aggregate
economic figures. It is not about this or that rate of GDP growth. Those
are numbers intended to help us read the story but we should never see
them as the true story itself.
15. Our real quest is to strive to
provide the people with sufficient food at affordable prices. The real
story is that our farmers and their land must become more productive but
they also must be secured with better pay for their increased output.
The real story is that our produce must not go to waste but much more of
it must be turned into processed goods for domestic consumption.
16. In the end, we strive to make
this a land where no child goes to bed in want and hunger. A land where
no loving mother or father is brought to tears because they have not a
grain of rice or slice of bread to feed their family. A country where no
farmer is made poorer the more he works.
17. Let us move from where we now
are into becoming that nation that feeds not only its people but has a
surplus to bolster its neighbors and beyond.
Let us arrive at the place where our
country side can feed our cities and our cities can produce the
manufactured goods needed in both the city and countyside.
Nigeria’s detractors want to label
us a wobbly basket case. Well, let us show them that we can become a
vibrant breadbasket for this region and the continent.
I know this is the Nigeria that this
administration wants. I know this is the Nigeria the people want. I
know this is the Nigeria that is to come. As such, I thank you all for
this wonderful birthday present you have given me.
May God bless you and may He forever bless the FRN.
Source: Nigerian Eye
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