Col. Edor Obi (retd.) is a former Military Administrator of Bayelsa State. In this interview with INNOCENT DURU, he advises President Muhammadu Buhari to tackle electoral violence and the high cost of running elections, if democracy must be sustained.
Let us begin with the armsgate. How did you receive the revelation?
It is disturbing and shocking, especially for me who come from the military constituency. My only reservation is that I don’t like what I will call trial by the media as these are very serious allegations, especially coming from the office of the National Security Adviser. It is disturbing, but I do hope that we get to the root of what exactly transpired. In doing that, we should be cautious so that we don’t destroy the institutions that have been set up. This is the first time that that office is being subjected to this kind of public scrutiny. If people are found to have abused that office, they should be brought to book within the laws of the land. It shouldn’t be a media thing.
From what is playing out now, there seems to be a sort of corruption in the military previously known for being disciplined. What do you make of this?
That is why I said it is very disturbing. It is disturbing because Nigeria is at war and it is a different kind of war. It is probably easier to deal with the previous wars because they were conventional wars, which we had been prepared for over the years. Now, we are dealing with a more sophisticated and more difficult kind of warfare which is insurgency. Therefore, to subject our men and women in uniform to this kind of war, you need to equip and prepare them.
Lives of many military officers were reportedly lost as a result of not using the money to procure the required ammunition for them. What do you think should be done for their families?
If it is found out that the money that was meant for preparing and equipping them was diverted into other purposes and the process these men and woman lost their lives like we lost a lot of people as a consequence of this, then, the government has to do something. I know that ordinarily, for all our service personnel, there is a provision that is made for their next of kin to make sure that whenever they die in battle the next of kin are given some compensation. Beyond the monetary compensation, which cannot replace human lives, when we get to the root of this, the government may have to make a statement in terms of apologizing to the families of the victims.
Are you in any way scandalized by the names being mentioned in the case?
The names you hear could be disturbing but I keep saying that we shouldn’t try people in the media. If people, especially the names we have heard have been alleged to have committed this, let them be given a fair chance to hear their own side of the story. It shouldn’t just be a media hype. The problem with this kind of cases is that, when they are finally determined, Nigerians may not really be told the true situation of what has happened. I am hoping that in this situation, we should get to the root of the matter and if it is true that some of these names that have been mentioned compromised themselves in one way or the other, then, let the appropriate laws deal with them and Nigerians would also know where to put them in terms of the respect people have for them but let them be given the fair chance to have proper prosecution or trial.
Some officers were sentenced to death when they mutinied last year because they felt their welfare was not taken into consideration. Do you think the decision should be reversed?
If there is a linkage and that the facts that have emerged tended to have shown that they acted because they were not properly equipped as a result of the diversion, I think the military authority should take a second look at that because that probably would have been responsible for the action of some of those men and women.
The level of violence in Bayelsa during the just concluded guber election was alarming. As a former military administrator of the state, what do you think was amiss?
I want to talk about the state a little bit because as you said I happened to have been there as a military administrator. One area that is of interest is the Southern Ijaw where elections were inconclusive and I remember even in my days, one of the places I had to go and monitor elections was in this area. Southern Ijaw is the most populous of the eight local governments in the stat. it is the farthest and the most difficult terrain. It is an area that has always had its challenges in terms of ability to have the logistics to monitor election in those difficult terrains. I think that one thing that this election has brought to the public is the peculiarity of the riverine states in conducting elections in Nigeria. I remember in the old Rivers State what used to determine and is still relevant in the two states – Rivers and Bayelsa, that the votes from the riverine areas determine the outcome of an election. What has happened that has brought in so much excitement and violence I think that is left for the security agents. One of the things that this government has to give to this country at the end of this administration is the issue of electoral violence and the cost of running elections. These are two things that this government should take very seriously. Whether we like it or not, one of the things that the former president did was that he set up an electoral system that voted him out as president and he accepted the result. If we do not address these two issues, I think we are just toying with our democracy and I think it is a challenge to this government to rise up to these two challenges and make sure that before they finish this first term, they should be able to come up with solutions to electoral violence and cost of running elections. If they need to review those laws they should do that. These are the things that are breeding corruption and undermining our corruption.
What do you make of the present laws we have in tackling corruption and other vices?
If we feel the current laws are not strong enough and that corrupt people are going to find their ways around them, I think we need to work with the National Assembly and review these laws and make them to be stronger and easier to prosecute people that have committed this offence in a way that the judiciary can try those cases and deal with them. The bottom line for me is that we should begin to put behind us the idea that we have a strong president or a weak president. What we need to do and on a sustainable basis is that we need to strengthen our institutions. If we build and strengthen our institutions, whether we put a monkey there as a president, those institutions will deal with anybody. Today, if you go to the United States and most of the countries that we copy around the world, you don’t have to have a strong or a weak person for the laws to work. Those laws have been there because the institutions are strong and everybody knows his job. We need to build our institutions beyond the individuals.
The crises bedeviling the country appear to be increasing as we now have Biafra agitation and Shiite issue, in addition to the Boko Haram menace. What can we do to take care of these challenges?
I think we need to deal with the problems as they arise because each of these problems is a peculiar issue. The issue of terrorism is a global thing today. One thing I have to say is that war on terror cannot be won alone and on the battle field because there is so much emphasis on the military operations in dealing with this issue. We can never win the war on terror on battle field. It has other segments like social, economic, political and diplomatic approaches that we need to do in parallel to take care of this challenge. While the military will be doing containment, helping this to stop spreading, we need to also focus on other areas which we need to build on the military success. If people just keep talking about the military, I think we are losing the point and this is the point that Nigerians need to come to terms with.
The issue of the Shiite is a dangerous thing, which the government must look at critically because from what I read, it does appear as if this thing has been there for some time and we have never really been able to address it. Nigeria is a secular state and we don’t want a situation where a religious body would refuse to own allegiance to a central government because the issue of sovereignty is something we should never be allowed to be undermined.
The Biafra agitation is a different kind of agitation. Today around the world, ethnic nationalities are seen to want to agitate because they are not happy with the union. Just like the war on terror, my advice is that we should not think that it is a military solution. We need to get to the root of what is the cause of this agitation and listen to them and find a way of accommodating them within the corporate entity of Nigeria. I will advise this government to take a second look at the National Conference report. I believe that, if that report is implemented, part of these issues might have been addressed in that report. One thing most of us would not agitate for is for this country to break up, but if people are beginning to agitate, we have to find a way of meeting them.
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