Time to look inward

Time to look inward
Whether for education, medical care or what 
have you, let’s think Nigeria
Central Bank of Nigeria’s (CBN) reversal of the earlier decision of the Bankers Committee which had met in Abuja and decided to place restrictions on allocation of foreign exchange for school fees abroad and medical tourism is only postponing the doomsday. If, as the Bankers Committee said we commit about 15 percent of our forex to serve these two purposes, then there is danger ahead because the country is unlikely to be in a position to afford that forever as things are.
As a matter of fact, to underscore the urgency and seriousness attached to the matter, some of those who had lost hope of getting forex allocation for their children abroad started receiving alerts from their banks, asking them to turn in their papers after the CBN’s decision. I agree though that it would be unfair to deny those already abroad the opportunity of finishing their programmes; but those thinking of joining them should begin to think twice because, if things continue like this with our forex situation, a time might come when the country would find it difficult to meet such obligations. Even if things get better with the country’s finances, it is still not good to continue on the present destructive path which only guarantees jobs for people abroad at the expense of Nigerians at home.
What I am saying is that, our current quagmire should nudge us into reviewing the way we do some things. Whether as individual Nigerians, or as governments, or as a country, it is time to change from this foreign dependence on virtually anything imaginable. Nigerians should start rethinking this idea that everything Nigerian is bad; or that everything foreign is good.
Please get me right; it is not that studying abroad is inherently bad, or that it is something novel. Even in those days when the premier university in the country, the University College, Ibadan, now University of Ibadan, and a few of the first generation universities around were still in good shape, turning out quality graduates, some Nigerians were still going abroad to study. But what we have today is a complete departure from what obtained then. Many of those studying abroad now are there either for status symbol or because they could not find space in the local universities. With standard perennially falling in many of the local universities, parents who can afford it prefer sending their children abroad to study, instead of staying in overcrowded lecture theatres where some half-baked teachers would also stuff into their brains what they are not paid to stuff there. Or, where for the better part of the academic year, the schools would remain shut due to one industrial crisis or the other.
There is no doubt that the existing universities in the country are inadequate to cater to the admission needs of the multitude of candidates seeking admission into the universities annually. With about two million candidates scrambling for admission into the about 128 universities (public and private) around with a total capacity of about 550,000, it becomes imperative that many may be called, but only a few can be chosen. Since this has become an annual thing, what we always end up having is a ballooning of the figure of those who cannot find admission in a particular year added to the following year’s list. It was partly in an effort to fill this yawning gap that some institutions established private universities, to at least reduce the number of qualified youths that cannot find space in the public universities. Still, hundreds of thousands are left in the lurch. The implication is that more and more people would naturally look elsewhere for university education. This cannot be a crime.
But studying abroad does not come cheap; it comes at humongous costs that, unfortunately, the nation is going to find difficult to afford, especially at this point in time. Nigerian students abroad are said to be costing the country about N1.6trillion per annum. Ghana alone gets N160 billion of the funds, while Nigerians spend over N80 billion on education in the United Kingdom. According toVanguard, “… In 2014, about 75,000 Nigerians were said to be studying in Ghana, paying about US$1 billion annually as tuition fees and upkeep, as against the annual budget of US$751 million for all federal universities. The amount was about 70 per cent of the total allocation in 2008 to all federal universities. In 2011, there were 17,585 Nigerians studying in UK universities, about 1,000 more than the 16,680 registered in the 2009/10 academic session, making Nigeria’s student population the third largest from non-European Union countries, trailing 39,090 recorded for India and 67,325 for China, according to statistics provided by UK Council for International Student Affairs”.
Of course there are Nigerian students in other places, with the United States of America and Canada as the most popular choices, and also Central and Eastern Europe, where the tuition fees and living costs are low.
What has become the lot of the country’s educational sector is, also, sadly the same with the health sector, as indeed with every sector of the economy. When in December 1983 the military struck and put an end to the Second Republic, part of the reasons cited for the coup was the state of our hospitals, which were then described as ‘mere consulting clinics’. In spite of the billions of petro-dollars the country has made over the years, even since then, things have only worsened in the sector. There are fewer consultants in the hospitals today as many of them have left our shores for greener pastures abroad.
The experience with medical tourism is such that there is virtually no ailment that our rich do not take abroad for treatment, from radiculopathy to cancer, to knee injury. Even when they want to indulge themselves, they travel out for tummy tuck. As with education, medical tourism comes with its own cost. According to the Chief Executive Officer of Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority, Uche Orji, about 30,000 Nigerians spend $1 billion on medical tourism annually. Apart from the UK, USA, Germany, France that many of our elites go for treatment, many Nigerians also find places like India useful for certain ailments, all of which represent a drain on our foreign exchange. Although $1billion may look conservative as what Nigerians spend on medical tourism, but when added to the N1.6trillion that the country spends on its students abroad, then we can appreciate what the Bankers Committee was talking about. This is about two-thirds of this year’s budget.
We can go on and on citing examples and quoting statistics but this would not help our situation. It is only the uninitiated that would want this state of affairs to continue. Collectively, therefore, we must do something to change the situation so that something will not do us. The government must show the way.  It should go beyond the usual lip service but take practical measures to get our schools and hospitals working. This may take some years; but we must start immediately to make the difference. With better standards in our educational institutions and hospitals, some Nigerians would begin to see the light and the need to stay at home to study, even as some others would also not feel that they would end up in the morgue after attending our public hospitals. The government can even ban public officials from seeking medical treatment abroad for ailments that can be treated at home for a start. Of course the private citizens who can afford it could still be allowed but that would be for some time. Eventually when people develop confidence in the system, more and more Nigerians would embrace our schools and hospitals.
Ultimately, however, a change of attitude is what is required to achieve the aim of conserving foreign exchange for the country. Without this, all the hopes on diversification of the economy would amount to naught. Even if we make all the foreign exchange after diversifying the economy and the new nouveau riche still continue in the old ways of their predecessors by not checking their insatiable appetite for foreign goods, or by extending the frontiers, say, by making marrying of whites abroad their own new fad, we would still end up in square one again. A change of attitude has become inevitable. We have got to the point where we must ask, as Tokunbo Martins, CBN’s Director, Banking Supervision, asked during the Bankers Committee meeting in Abuja: “If you think about it, the pressure on forex now – from school fees abroad – is significant. At what point should we begin to look inwards? The pressure on medicals is significant. At what point should we begin to look inwards?”
I ask too, at what point? At what point?
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