3 Jose Mourinho Quotes That Will Challenge You for Success in 2016

He needs no introduction. He stands tall among equals. He’s hard to ignore even when he’s down. He's loved by some and not so special to many.

Meet Jose Mourinho, Coach Chelsea Football club.

He’s had our attention for a long period this year.

One for winning the Barclays Premier League in May.

And months later for poor results early in the season.

Thirdly for rebuking this lady and Jon Fearn in public on August 8.

And also for his team's continued romance with defeat and relegation for some months now.

And lately, the news of his sack yesterday.

See how Nigerians searched for him yesterday on Google:

The news was everywhere.

Earlier this morning, I saw him in the top news section of cnn.com. He’s no longer there now. But he still seats well in the sports section.

I can bet you too were part of the discussion at some point in the last 24 hours.

So, what’s so special about Mourinho that makes him such a talking point?

Well, lots of reasons. But there's a major one. Jose Mourinho is bold and he's not afraid to bear his thoughts on a subject.

He speaks so often and controversially (not to him though) that his words has its own search category on Google. See it below:

From the many words of  Jose Mourinho, one can pick some wisdom that could be translated to success principles.

Here are 3 that will benefit you in 2016 from the special one.
First Quote

    If the club decide to sack me because of bad results that's part of the game. If it happens I will be a millionaire and get another club a couple of months later – Jose Mourinho during his first stint with Chelsea.

Can you note the positive tone from those words?

This simply sums up what happened yesterday when Chelsea decided to let him go.

Life is full of ups and downs. We need a positive attitude for victory in life.

We all need an inner self-will that always pushes us to believe in a better tomorrow.

Reports have it that after Mourinho was fired in a brief meeting yesterday, he still went back to the training ground to complete that session. Wow. Now that’s positive. See the report below:

That kind of attitude is what leads one to being paid for doing nothing. Hear the story, according to UK's Mirror, Chelsea will be paying Mourinho £250,000k per week until he gets another job. Now that’s something.

The moral is that we should always maintain a positive attitude. Friends, there's nothing you are going through right now that someone else is not experiencing something similar or even worse.

I’m not saying things cannot look dim at times; but we should always:

    Look again and see the positive side of any situation.
    Focus on how to solve the problem - and not how bad the problem is.

I’m sure you’ve heard the “half full and half empty glass” pessimist and optimist analogy. Instead of just choosing the popular "half full" optimist option; you should go even a step further by thinking of how you can get more water to fill the glass. I got that wisdom yesterday in a message by Ghanian preacher, Mensah Otabil.

Good seasons are to encourage us while low moments are to toughen us up. To teach us and make us better.

This attitude of “what can I do to fix this situation” is a must for you in 2016.

Fear is not a word in my football dictionary - Jose Mourinho

You can’t take this away from the Man. Both enemies and lovers alike agree on this one. Mourinho is fearless.

Hear star football player; Zlatan Ibrahimovic.

The same must be said of you. Not saying you should be arrogant. But I’m saying don’t be too fearful to take a leap.

Every change in level will require you to conquer a form of fear or the other.

No one occupying the exalted positions you admire today that has not had to conquer fear. Not one.

But they all worked it out. We all experience some form of fear. Let’s embrace it. Ask for help and pray about it.

Yours could be the fear of asking for a raise at work. It could be starting a side business or the fear that you are incapable of landing a job.

But instead of giving to fear, learn how others have conquered those same trials. Do something about it.

Don't accept fate.

Work Hard to Get Good. Then Work Harder to get better - Jose Mourinho.

We have heard over and over again that maintaining success is harder than attaining it. In a competitive work environment, it’s even easier getting a job than keeping it.

Great people become greater by the continuous pursuit of more and more knowledge in what they do.

They subject themselves to the rigours of more work and learning to even exceed their current laurels.

Hear Jose Mourinho in another instance:

That is the attitude we must have towards continous learning.

Show me your goals for 2016 and I will ask you for the plans you have to acquire the knowledge to achieve those goals.
The Key Takeaways of this Post

    You should maintain a Positive Attitude: True that low moments will come. But it does not mean it should mark your end. Pick yourself up, learn the lessons and move on.
    Fear will hold you and I back: Fear surfaces and hinders our ability to take action. Author, Keith Harrell in his book "Attitude is Everything" advices that when fear is holding us back, we should: - Sought for help, Exercise faith through prayers, Share our concerns with others and Monitor the inner dialogue- in our minds promoting such fears.
    Hard Work Remains: Collin Powell put this aptly "A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work."

In Conclusion

How 2016 will turn out depends on you and you alone. It depends on the choices you make and the beliefs you hold true in your heart.

In 2016, choose to have a positive attitude, work on your fears and work extra hard. With this, you will be well on your way to success in all you do within the new year.

Compliments of the season to you.
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