"For every man the world is as fresh as it was at the first day, and as full of untold novelties for him who has the eyes to see them." - Thomas Henry Huxley 1825-95.

I have read a deluge of commentaries vilifying the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 as responsible for the crises and conflicts that ravage Africa. For historical purposes, it was in Berlin that a certain G14 (a Group of 14 nations) led by the 1st Chancellor of Germany Otto von Bismarck shared Africa and some part of Asia thus birthing colonies and colonialism.

This series is a studied effort that some may consider spiritually profound; some may view it as having a place in positivism; some may view this as an exercise in analytical punditry; and through this, some by Jove may rise to the urgency of now, which is the rebirth of Africa.

Countrymen and women, the rising of Nigeria is key to the emergent Africa that must lead the new world to the Isle of Peace, of love, of prosperity and of global harmony. We therefore bear not only the cross of our own redemption but that of Africa and indeed our universe.

It is not happenstance that birthed the 20th Century amalgamation of seemingly disparate nations into two Protectorates. It is not happenstance that birthed the most populous black nation on earth. It is not happenstance that brought us this far, curiously when fate sought to tear us apart a certain Soldier whose alphabets spell GO ON WITH ONE NIGERIA led our war of unity.

We must look beyond Britain and Lord Lugard, and set forth to make this union work. Need I say that most developed nations were at some point Colonies and Conquered territories. We must therefore elect to make the Eagle soar.


God Bless Nigeria.

*Pls Read..COUNTRY FIRST I-X http://theanchoronline.com.ng/country-first-i-x/

Prof. Chris Nwaokobia Jnr.
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